VAIA unites traditional elegance with modern-day clarity in our Transitional Style. The use of various finishes enables VAIA to blend into many different contemporary interiors: in both traditional and modern-minimalistic bathroom architectures as well as..
VAIA unites traditional elegance with modern-day clarity in our Transitional Style. The use of various finishes enables VAIA to blend into many different contemporary interiors: in both traditional and modern-minimalistic bathroom architectures as well as..
VAIA unites traditional elegance with modern-day clarity in our Transitional Style. The use of various finishes enables VAIA to blend into many different contemporary interiors: in both traditional and modern-minimalistic bathroom architectures as well as..
VAIA unites traditional elegance with modern-day clarity in our Transitional Style. The use of various finishes enables VAIA to blend into many different contemporary interiors: in both traditional and modern-minimalistic bathroom architectures as well as..
Individual colours: For many series, we put the entire range of RAL colours into effect as painted surfaces - from a minimum quantity of one.Expanding the variety of finishes: With electroplating technology, PVD, powder-coating or wet painting, the possi..
The Functional. TARA ULTRA puts a modern spin on the TARA CLASSIC faucet, designed exclusively for the kitchen. The original TARA spout has been adapted into a kitchen-specific design. The particularly high, slim spout offers plenty of space when working ..
Individual colours: For many series, we put the entire range of RAL colours into effect as painted surfaces - from a minimum quantity of one.Expanding the variety of finishes: With electroplating technology, PVD, powder-coating or wet painting, the possi..
Individual colours: For many series, we put the entire range of RAL colours into effect as painted surfaces - from a minimum quantity of one.Expanding the variety of finishes: With electroplating technology, PVD, powder-coating or wet painting, the possi..