Milos Top CS Plus CL Matte White Lacquer
Design and elegance are the Milos security doors' challenge. The door blends into the interior environment bringing with it the warmth of Lacquered Wood, ensuring maximum safety and high thermal and acoustic performance. The finish in Matte White and the Frame and Carter in White make this door the epitome of elegance.
- 0.0 AED
Design and elegance are the Milos security doors' challenge. The door blends into the interior environment bringing with it the warmth of Lacquered Wood, ensuring maximum safety and high thermal and acoustic performance. The finish in Matte White and the Frame and Carter in White make this door the epitome of elegance.
You can buy a Milos Top CS Plus CL Matte White Lacquer in at an affordable price. Milos Top CS Plus CL Matte White Lacquer: detailed description, photos and reviews of real customers, specifications, the ability to download instructions and choose accessories.
You can pay online via link or by a debit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express...)
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Design and elegance are the Milos security doors' challenge. The door blends into the interior environment bringing with it the warmth of Lacquered Wood, ensuring maximum safety and high thermal and acoustic performance. The finish in Matte White and the Frame and Carter in White make this door the epitome of elegance.
You can buy a Milos Top CS Plus CL Matte White Lacquer in at an affordable price. Milos Top CS Plus CL Matte White Lacquer: detailed description, photos and reviews of real customers, specifications, the ability to download instructions and choose accessories.
You can pay online via link or by a debit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express...)
and get delivery anywhere in the world
Dubai, City Walk,
Al Fattan Downtown,
Tower 3