
Carpet Braid Rug

The Braid “Rug” features a plaited structure made of permeable, breathable acrylic yarn, making this rug ideal even in humid environments. The acrylic yarn braids are joined by sturdy, invisible stitching. The rug is finished with a braided border on two sides. The Braid “Rug” comes in four shades – Pewter, Forest Green, Ecru and Chocolate – that coordinate with the most popular kinds of outdoor paving and with the materials and fabrics in the new collection. The rug is made entirely of Olyna Outdoor, a 100% Made in Italy polyolefin fiber, crafted from a compact yet flexible braided structure with a tricot effect. The rug is 8 mm high and the braids are stitched together with heavy-duty polyester thread. Overall weight is 3,5 kg/sq. m. The rug can also be made in custom sizes (multiples of 20 cm) up to a maximum size of cm 400x300. Its composition ensures permeability and breathability, which make this rug the right choice for use even in humid environments. Rug is available in the following colors: Ecru, Forest Green, Chocolate and Pewter. A border made of a braid in a color that matches the rug, runs perpendicular to the direction of the braids that form the interior of the rug. N.B.: because it is handcrafted, the overall size of the rug can vary by approximately 3 cm, even on customsized rugs. CUSTOM RUGS For custom rugs, the client is asked to provide a design of the rug in DWG format, including detailed dimensions. The file will be reviewed by the Technical Office, which reserves the right to approve or ask that modifications be made to the rug design before entering the production phase.
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Carpet Braid Rug
Carpet Braid Rug
The Braid “Rug” features a plaited structure made of permeable, breathable acrylic yarn, making this rug ideal even in humid environments. The acrylic yarn braids are joined by sturdy, invisible stitching. The rug is finished with a braided border on two sides. The Braid “Rug” comes in four shades – Pewter, Forest Green, Ecru and Chocolate – that coordinate with the most popular kinds of outdoor paving and with the materials and fabrics in the new collection. The rug is made entirely of Olyna Outdoor, a 100% Made in Italy polyolefin fiber, crafted from a compact yet flexible braided structure with a tricot effect. The rug is 8 mm high and the braids are stitched together with heavy-duty polyester thread. Overall weight is 3,5 kg/sq. m. The rug can also be made in custom sizes (multiples of 20 cm) up to a maximum size of cm 400x300. Its composition ensures permeability and breathability, which make this rug the right choice for use even in humid environments. Rug is available in the following colors: Ecru, Forest Green, Chocolate and Pewter. A border made of a braid in a color that matches the rug, runs perpendicular to the direction of the braids that form the interior of the rug. N.B.: because it is handcrafted, the overall size of the rug can vary by approximately 3 cm, even on customsized rugs. CUSTOM RUGS For custom rugs, the client is asked to provide a design of the rug in DWG format, including detailed dimensions. The file will be reviewed by the Technical Office, which reserves the right to approve or ask that modifications be made to the rug design before entering the production phase.
The Braid “Rug” features a plaited structure made of permeable, breathable acrylic yarn, making this rug ideal even in humid environments. The acrylic yarn braids are joined by sturdy, invisible stitching. The rug is finished with a braided border on two sides. The Braid “Rug” comes in four shades – Pewter, Forest Green, Ecru and Chocolate – that coordinate with the most popular kinds of outdoor paving and with the materials and fabrics in the new collection. The rug is made entirely of Olyna Outdoor, a 100% Made in Italy polyolefin fiber, crafted from a compact yet flexible braided structure with a tricot effect. The rug is 8 mm high and the braids are stitched together with heavy-duty polyester thread. Overall weight is 3,5 kg/sq. m. The rug can also be made in custom sizes (multiples of 20 cm) up to a maximum size of cm 400x300. Its composition ensures permeability and breathability, which make this rug the right choice for use even in humid environments. Rug is available in the following colors: Ecru, Forest Green, Chocolate and Pewter. A border made of a braid in a color that matches the rug, runs perpendicular to the direction of the braids that form the interior of the rug. N.B.: because it is handcrafted, the overall size of the rug can vary by approximately 3 cm, even on customsized rugs. CUSTOM RUGS For custom rugs, the client is asked to provide a design of the rug in DWG format, including detailed dimensions. The file will be reviewed by the Technical Office, which reserves the right to approve or ask that modifications be made to the rug design before entering the production phase.